D3j4de and meep as new event managers


UNLOZE Founder
Oct 11, 2016
First of zegawa, dont worry you are still the main event manager who decides on events. But as you lately are busy i talked together with parts of the admin team and therefore came to the decision that @D3J4de and @MEEP are going to assist with creating events. Since events right now dont happen on a super frequent base meep and d3j4de are going to create a few events for the following weeks so that we have something again. When you have time again zegawa and feel motivated to create events you can just take fully over again. Meep and d3j4de are just going to help by creating a few events in the meantime.
Paper, frost, or santa pls (or castlevania)

Also not anything to see with the thread, but would be cool to have ZE_NY_Marathon on nomlist. And maybe play it during an event (to test it for those who don't know it). For all item whores :wlenny:
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Zegawa, c une map pour les item whores comme moi :kappa:
Tu cours, tu cours, tu cours, tu chope pleins d'item, tu cover. C un marathon quoi elle est sympa mais pas sur le server. Il faut la rajouter

Sorry compulsive baguette language.
We have to ass NY marathon to the nominate, cause it's a fun map for item whores