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  1. phantom


    while we are at it can we remove knife fun or atleast make it admin nom, because honestly its not even a ZE map its barely even a zm map.
  2. phantom

    Event #182 || Nomination Thread

    you arent crying??? you complain every even nomination about paranoid. The joke event was suppost to suck you absolute retard like i dont comprehend the immensity of the high horse you seem to be on just because you have a problem with paranoid. Its quiet simple we like paranoid we want to play...
  3. phantom

    Event #182 || Nomination Thread

    ah i misread, so if we get timeloop then we start at shroom1 again but if get good ending they are rewarded with pirates. ill edit the event with this new info
  4. phantom

    Event #182 || Nomination Thread

    true true but what happens if they get the bad ending? should that be when they go to pirates or should the server just shutdown? please moltard tell us more about lore.
  5. phantom

    Event #182 || Nomination Thread

    well egg most of the people who put paranoid in their events this time are from NA and lately we havent been able to play paranoid because it gets played kinda early in the day somewhere around 9am for us. So being that we like the map and havent played it for a while we put it in our events...
  6. phantom

    Event #182 || Nomination Thread

    NoT cReAtIvE V2 ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9 ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3 ze_ffxii_westersand_v5_2 ze_fapescape_rote_v1_3f Kickers Paranoid - will be played for atleast an hour with optional extends Mako - will be played normal until ex2 is beaten atleast once then for every round after that...
  7. phantom

    Event #180 || Poll

    I mean i asked for you to tell me if you were definitely splitting it so i could rearrange the order and maybe add another map since it will be split into two days.
  8. phantom

    Event #180 || Nomination Thread

    you don't accept any events that aren't from your designated shills, unless u alter the shit out of them. So why should this time be any different. If u want to split it into two different days then im adding two more maps so its 3 maps each day cause only 2 maps is hella big gay.
  9. phantom

    Event #180 || Nomination Thread

    i mean the point is for it to be a long ass event hence the title.
  10. phantom

    Event #180 || Nomination Thread

    12 hour event inc ze_johnny_nukem_b8_3 ze_last_man_standing_v5_1 ze_harry_potter_v2_1 ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3 kickers LMS extreme only (if u decide to split event tell me ahead of time and ill adjust it accordingly)
  11. phantom

    Event #179 || Poll

    just figured barbossa would be like balrog where u can edit in multiple of them.
  12. phantom

    Event #179 || Poll

    i am confused it says u removed the spam kicker on johnny but its still there. So is soundboarding still ok or not? If not just remove my nomination entirely i dont want to play an event where 2 kickers are removed.
  13. phantom

    Event #179 || Nomination Thread

    A little gachi for EOD ze_johnny_nukem_b8_3 ze_shroomforest3_b6_2 ze_pirates_port_royal_v3_6 ze_crazy_escape_css2 kickers johnny mic spam and soundboards is allowed Shroom3 no items except heal and ammo, drugs during satan lasers. pirates all mother zms get barbossa, only item is heal and...
  14. phantom

    Event #179 || Nomination Thread

    too be fair we did start minas with like 10 WK and 3 blarogs for a few rounds and then have to restart, which might account for a drop in players.
  15. phantom

    Event #178 || Poll

    Understandable thank you for the honest and serious response you're doing god's work :wlenny:
  16. phantom

    Event #178 || Poll

    eggs kickers are just as much of a meme. If u set a minimum number of people that need to live you are just asking for extra trolling so that number doesnt ever win within the hour, so basically its just sinas kicker but from a moral high ground. The minas one egg just made this huge post about...
  17. phantom

    Event #178 || Poll

    eggs event which consists of the same maps as sinas makes it, but sinas doesnt thats a thinksmart move if ive ever seen one.
  18. phantom

    Let's talk

    Its all good i didn't mean to come off sounding hostile.
  19. phantom

    Let's talk

    Well when we ask admins to do a vote they say that they cant do it so either they are lying because they don't want to even put it up for a vote or because they can't take your pick.
  20. phantom

    Let's talk

    I think he means more in terms of like for instance on Minas or castlevania where having wk and dalf/ belmont and holy plus maybe 5 humans is still very much winnable if its towards the end of the maps and some admins will still slay because they dont know the map well enough or dont like it so...