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  1. willy (wilson)


    Just here on holiday
  2. willy (wilson)

    Event #180 || Nomination Thread

    I'm creative ze_paranoid_ultimate_v10_4 ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v2_2fix ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v3_1 Special kickers Paranoid will be played for atleast an hour with option extends Minas only armor, horse, dalf, and white knight Mako item trolling for a solo is allowed and even encouraged.
  3. willy (wilson)

    who cares?

    I started off on go and then came to css, and I have to say, I can't give enough praise to the community. I hope you enjoy your stay, and if the server ever gets a bit too autistic don't feel bad typing !sm @all (sm stands for self mute, and @all means everyone also you can replace that with a...
  4. willy (wilson)

    Let's talk

    I'm just happy unloze lets us play paranoid, and minas, other servers like nide, n4a, or ZED never play them, and if you play them too much, as others have said it can hurt population.
  5. willy (wilson)

    Event #178 || Nomination Thread

    Not Creative Enough ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9 ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3 ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3 Special kickers Paranoid will be played for atleast an hour with option extends Minas only armor, horse, dalf, and white knight Mako item trolling for a solo is allowed and even encouraged...
  6. willy (wilson)

    Event #176 || "Assassinate Santa"

    Feelsbadman In all honesty though, thought socrates would spawn in sooner, and no one was confident in getting a herder, so thought zammo and m249s could carry us while we healed through whatever damage socrates offered. Sorry to the team, it was a great try, and at least we got to socrates a...
  7. willy (wilson)

    Event #168 || Nomination Thread

    Color Coded Combo ze_v0u0v_a6 ze_boredom_v543656 ze_icecap_derp_unloze_v420 All very random mixed up colorful maps that are pretty darn fun, but also rarely played.
  8. willy (wilson)

    Event #165 || Nomination Thread

    For Jorge ze_moltentemple_a4
  9. willy (wilson)

    Event #161 || Nomination Thread

    Unloze is weird ze_l0v0l_v1_4 (com'on yall, you haven't even gotten close to winning this yet, nide n4a and gfl have all won)
  10. willy (wilson)

    Event #160 || Nomination Thread

    A few months early, but always happy to see these sorts of events