The Zombie Riot is now equipped with a RPG!


Veteran Admin
Jun 6, 2017
Hello there,

First of all, huge thanks to @nano. He's the one who put the rpg on his server, ran the tests and set it up.
Once done, i talked with him to have a better understanding of the RPG and finally i adapted it to our ZR.

The modifications done were made to have a balanced game as much as possible. Therefore, all feedback to improve your ZR experience are welcome in this thread.

I also would like to say thank you to Pan32 and Neon who helped fixing a few technical issues and who'll be there if we have others.


/rpg to display the rpg menu
/rpggift to give your rpg credits to someone (You need to be at least level 20 to give credits)
/rpgrank to show your rank or the rank of the target person. rpgrank [name|steamid|#userid]
/rpginfo to show the purchased upgrades of the target person. rpginfo <name|steamid|#userid>
/rpgtop10 to show the SM:RPG top 10
/rpgnext to show the next few ranked players before you
/rpgsession to show your session stats
/rpghelp to show the SM:RPG help menu
/rpgexp to show the latest experience you earned

Note: The MVP stars on the scoreboard shows the players level.


For the 1st level, you'll need 500 exp. After that, every level will add 500 exp more to level up.
For example: Level 2 to 3: you'll need to gather 1000 exp
Once you'll have reached level 3, you'll be at 0/1500 exp. Therefore, you'll need to gain 1500 exp to get to level 4.
At level 4, you'll be at 0/2000 and you'll need 2000 exp to get to level 5

Now the "How to get exp?" part:
Experience for hurting an enemy multiplied by the damage done: 0.25
Experience for a kill: 400
Experience extra for a headshot: 150
You get an additional 1,000 experience for a kill with a knife.

There isn't any maximum levels. You can level up to infinite.
VIPs will get those exp multiplied by 1.5.

Available upgrades:

Adrenaline - Increase your speed shortly when firing a weapon.
6 levels - All levels cost 40 credits

Antidote - Reduce duration of bad effects against you like burning, freezing or slow down.
5 levels - All levels cost 40 credits

Antiflash - Reduce blinding effect of flashbangs on you.
4 levels - All levels cost 20 credits

Armor+ - Increases your maximal armor.
5 levels - All levels cost 20 credits

Armor Helmet - Gives players a chance to receive a helmet on spawn.
5 levels - All levels cost 20 credits

Armor Regeneration - Regenerates armor regularly.
5 levels - All levels cost 80 credits

Bouncy Bullets - Push enemies away by shooting them.
5 levels - All levels cost 80 credits

Clipsize - Increases the size of a weapon's clip.
3 levels - All levels cost 60 credits

Damage+ - Deal additional damage on enemies.
5 levels - All levels cost 60 credits

Denial - Keep your weapons the next time you spawn after you've died.
2 levels - All levels cost 20 credits

Fast Reload - Increases the reload speed of guns.
5 levels - All levels cost 40 credits

Fire Grenade (hegrenade) - Ignites players damaged by your grenade.
5 levels - All levels cost 20 credits

Fire Pistol - Ignites players hit with a pistol.
10 levels - All levels cost 40 credits

Firerate - Increases the firerate of weapons.
10 levels - All levels cost 40 credits

Frost Pistol - Slow down players hit with a pistol.
10 levels - All levels cost 60 credits

Grenade Resupply - Regenerates grenades x seconds after you threw them.
5 levels - All levels cost 60 credits

Health+ - Increases your maximal health.
10 levels - All levels cost 80 credits

HP Regeneration - Regenerates HP regularly.
5 levels - All levels cost 80 credits

Ice Grenade (hegrenade) - Freezes players damaged by your grenade in place.
5 levels - All levels cost 80 credits

Impulse - Gain speed for a short time when being shot.
5 levels - All levels cost 20 credits

Medic - Heals team mates around you.
10 levels - All levels cost 80 credits

Poison Smoke (smoke) - Damages players inside the smoke of a smoke grenade.
5 levels - All levels cost 40 credits

Reduced Fall Damage - Reduces the damage you take from falling from great heights.
5 levels - All levels cost 20 credits

Resupply - Regenerates ammo every third second.
5 levels - All levels cost 40 credits

Vampire - Steal HP from players when damaging them.
10 levels - All levels cost 80 credits

The features in purple are for VIPs only.
The ones in cyan are for everyone.
You get 10 credits per level and that's the only way to get credits. Although we could give some in the upcoming events.
Players will need 4,200 credits to buy all upgrades at maximum and VIPs will need 7,840.

Have fun grinding all levels :-D
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Can you fix the action where if a player goes afk or stay at a certain spot for a while until that "beep" button makes the player jump and decrease his health?
It would be great if you could remove that function.
Can you fix the action where if a player goes afk or stay at a certain spot for a while until that "beep" button makes the player jump and decrease his health?
It would be great if you could remove that function.
you mean that slap right if u dont move like 30 secs or 1 mins u will going to get slap dmg health and make u jump but removing that it will gonna be anti camp for players
you mean that slap right if u dont move like 30 secs or 1 mins
Yes, I was talking about that feature. Well if it acts as an anti-camp feature for players then nothing we can do about it. That's all I wanted to know. Thanks for replying. :peepowink:
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please remove the lasers. Far too many people eg "mmaximm_Eвгеньевич)" just use it and afk to get easy kills.