Recent content by Juanjo

  1. Juanjo

    Event #161 || Nomination Thread

    Event without name because I don't know how to call it :wlenny: ze_pidaras_v1_5fix ze_onahole_v3s_fix Kickers: - Nemesis in Pidaras (Is it possible to make a kind of extreme mode with nemesis after normal levels? If not Nemesis from the beginning) - Shotgun madness in onahole (shotguns and deagle)
  2. Juanjo

    Event #130 || Nomination Thread

    Icy Day ze_antartika_b2 ( HARD) ze_frozentemple_b8_2 (HARD) ze_FFXII_Paramina_Rift_v1_4 (HARD) Special Kicker: Antartika without rebuys Paramina only heal and potions
  3. Juanjo

    Event #124 || pF isn't dead

    Hi, I'm Juanjo from the server, I'm not here asking for the vip but is there a way to change the name in the forum? When I created this acc. with steam I used my old name
  4. Juanjo

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