Bomec admin app n°2

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Jun 15, 2017
1. General Information. Write some general information so we can get in touch with you easily. Do them in the following order:
-Nickname : Bomec
-Age : 25
-Steam ID STEAM_0:0:87238961
-Server(s) you are applying for : Zombie escape and Minigame
-Current Activity : In general I play from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. every evening and from 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. on weekends

2. Why do you want to be an admin?

I would like to bring new blood and refresh some way of seeing things as much for the players as for the members of the staff. I also see that there is not a lot of admin on the server, so I think a + admin can only do good.

3. What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin?

I started Zombie escape in 2010, I know how it works, as well as the players of this fabulous community. I will be able to bring you my experience as well as another vision that you have of this famous game mode. I am motivated so that the server functions correctly. I will also bring to the community because I like to discuss, solve problems objectively and as best as possible. Players as well as administrators should enjoy the game alike. Even though (admins) need to fix the issues. And I am able to solve the problems. Same as the last time. Except that I realized the workload that there was. And that doesn't scare me.

4. Can you play during late hours?

I cannot play during the late hours except during the weekend. That doesnt change. Maybe it wil cause im foccused on the rank actually.

5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, you suspect a player to inflate or breaking the server rules on purpose.

It doesn't matter who the player is, whether I know him or not, and find out he's breaking the rules, I'll let him know once and go to spec immediately after warning him. The maap does not matter. If the player repeats after the warning, he will take a ban of 30 minutes to 2 hours regardless at the time of the maap. That doesnt change either.

I feel like Lifeblood of Zombie Escape hours are a lot less frequent right now, and that's okay too. I managed to channel myself, and by the fact, not to cause all this mess

For mutes, there is no need to mute instantly, you have to consider the server situation at this time, if it is a hard try maap and a spam player and or incites spam it will take a mute for one minute and if he continue he will take a mute for the time of the maap, no more

If the situation is "favorable" to spam and that if does not prevent continuing to play (end of round or maap) players will be "allowed" to have fun

6. Other stuff and/or last words. Type here anything else you have in mind and finish your application in style!

I love the ze, I love the community, you know that. This application is to be taken seriously. Change is possible. No one is perfect, the time has passed.
Today I would like to make you understand that I am motivated to manage this role of admin, seriously. The past will always be in your head, but you have to see the admin and find out if you might need me. I am taking a risk in making this request. But fear does not avoid danger. Thanks for reading me
I kind of want to trust in you, that's a bit ironic that you are talking about punishing people that breaks the rules coz you kinda know them and you still break them sometimes, i know that sometime you can be a really good player tryharding and being serious, but most of the time when i see you and what i heard about some people it was that you were a bad guy, but you know, people can change, so i'm gonna say why not.

+1 For the Beau mec.

Good luck.
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I have had several discussions with you both in voice and over text regarding different topics involving zombie escape and unloze. While I don't see eye-to-eye with you on several topics (on your last application I commented that your "visions" differ too much from most of the staff team), I've noticed that your attitude and approach has at least changed in these discussions. You know what you want but you also carry out the discussions in a serious matter, there's a significantly less amount of the old bomec just spamming monkey noises over anybody trying to tell you something.

I think if you carry on with this, properly discuss problems and show people that you care about the issues without making memes about it, I think the fact that you disagree so much with staff won't matter. It's nice to have different approaches. After all, we've had radical types in different spectra before and while most of these are "disliked", they arguable have contributed to make ze better.

What I want to say is that unlike some people in your position (i.e. people who have trolled/acted so badly that nobody trusts them anymore), you have actually convinced me that you deserve a chance. Even if you don't get accepted as trial admin, give it your best. Don't drop this new path you are on, keep up civil discussions but stay open minded. Do know that people will always be cautious towards you because of your past, you have to simply accept that for a while. If you don't let that discourage you, I am sure 2022 might give us the unexpected redemption arc of bomec. Good luck!
William, your message has personally troubled me. He is so close to the reality. Thank you.
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If I had to add something, it's that there is something that I like about this admin function, it is that I like justice, and I would do my best to apply it as best as possible
sorry man but after 10-11 years of acting crazy you cant get admin. maybe try 2028?
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