So Much For The Tolerant Left!


Ghey Healur
Oct 13, 2016
So I clickbaited you, this is a fucking thoughtdump by george, you can stop reading here or keep reading if your interested into looking at a slice of my opinions/thoughts on social justice. The title is intentionally misleading because I am a good ol' leftie. (Call me leftie scum and I'll ban u m9)

So I'mma breakdown this post into a couple interrelated sections:

Social Justice/Femenism/Genders?
I hate the term "sjw", I used to use it myself, but I've grown against using it, because it de-legitimises people who care about actual social justice problems in favour of mocking a group of over the top Tumblr "feminists", lumping everyone into one foul sum (they aren't femenists, they are just idiots, feminism is about acknowledging that people should be equal nowadays, and these people are just morons). I do call myself a femenist if you actually wonder about that, I'd rather just ignore those people, because people who actually listen to them are far and few between in reality, not giving them attention will make them fade into irrelevancy. But I also share the opinion that men (like most of us here) cause problems for women AND ourselves, unfortunately, just look at the stupid idea that men can't be raped. What general portion of population controls that? Hint: it's a gender beggining with M and ending N with 3 letters. I think that social justice and femenism should be and IS about fixing these issues, it's a long process and it might never go anywhere because people refuse to acknowledge these problems as if women are actually currently equal to men entirely (hint: they aren't). (Also yes, the gender pay gap statistic is silly, it is too general, but it illustrates a point, women are often discouraged from fields they want to go into anyway, the gap shouldn't be as large as it is at all, the fact there is a big overall general gap is atrocious, there's no way all working women picked lower paying careers because they wanted to).

Then we move onto other such issues as Racism, this is a weird one for me, as I'm perfectly happy to call you all picklers, but my personal view is, that I'm fine with using these terms online in a partially anonymous gaming community, as it isn't a personal connection. You aren't going around and using the term in a context where it means something negative and has negative connotations, I also see this as the reason you should respect communities rules when they ask you to not say pickler, because not all communities see pickler in the same light, and it can still greatly upset some people online if they don't agree with our usage. But Racism is a very wide problem, and hasn't gone away. There's a lot of things racism does, and on top of this lots of our societies tend to still have systematic racism embedded in them. It's super bullshit, and if you are white like me, you probably haven't noticed it personally, but it's there and a lot of people will turn a blind eye to it because it doesn't affect them. The way people use the word privelige, often de-legitimises it, because people are born with priveliges and you can't just deny that and wave them away, being white is still a big thing. This applies to many many things, but people just ignoring racism and acting like it isn't an actual issue doesn't magically fix it, while racism is still abhorrently present, we should all try and avoid using language, words and things that would offend people of other races in person. Why? because they already go through a lot of bullshit, even if you make it out as a joke, many won't see it as that, they have already been subject to racism throughout their lives, your just another person whose turned their race into a joke and assumed its funny.

This one hits close to home, I only came out as a faggot about 2 - 3 years ago? properly. It was after the start of unloze, after doing so I still continually attract casual homophobia in my life, many people don't even realise they do it. it's a taught thing, same as racism, people learn to see gay people in this light and it's toxic as fuck. Don't mind me when you say faggot online, but say it to my face or over social media and it's actually upsetting, just think about it, your saying a word with fucking awful connotations as if I'm some sort of criminal just for being me? It's exactly the same as racism if not slightly easier of. I can get fired from many places just for liking dick, and that's not fucking cool. I'm probably fucked after university unless I act normally and try and "blend" with the straights, which is stupid, why can't I just be me. The worst examples of homophobia I've personally encountered have been from my dad, who casually splurts out the most offensive things to people as jokes, even while knowing and random girls who ask me to be their "gay best friend" as if I'm some fucking trophy to them and not actually a person. You should really understand that it's fucking stupid that I get treated like this, just imagine if for a second gays were the majority and I was asking one of you to be my "straight best friend" as if your a fucking object and not a human. Many people wouldn't care, because they can't imagine or visualise how offensive that situation actually is. Many gay people just go with this because they see it as their normal, which is pretty warped, and don't see a problem with being treated like a vanity object.

Overall Misc Socially Things.
Even if you disagree with me here, that doesn't mean I dislike you as a person. I just disagree with your opinions. If you want to ask me questions please ask me if I want to answer you first, because I'm almost always exhausted and don't have the mental capacity to answer such questions during term time. In general, oppression is shit, and people don't notice it because they aren't subject to it. Also, I'm a_utistic (and I'm sure others here are on the spectrum too) and while I don't mind an a_utism joke or too, it still upsets me when people go too far, if you don't understand yet, even before I came out. I've had shit given to me all my life just for being born the way I am, so if my opinions don't click, that might be why. A_utism shouldn't be the brunt end of every joke because it's just not cool. I understand using it online because again, anonymous people etc bla bla bla I talked about that earlier. But, walking round casually using the term is honestly offensive and makes a lot of people feel like shit.

Eh, If I have more to write I might reply to this, but I'm done with my rant/thoughtdump now.

Go ahead, call my leftie/sjw/femenist scum

See if I care.


The most fabulous UNLOZE leader.

The faggot leader of the deep lands.

Possibly banished the Shadow Realm.

George, you fucking leftie SJW gay pickler scum...

I liked this read and pretty much agree with you on every point! :)

I'll prob write a more detailed post (since I like to debate) when im done with work, so sit tight (or not, idk, might also just discuss this on discord xD).
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