Admin application

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New User
Aug 11, 2020
United Kingdom
-Nickname: -Smoke'D
-Age: 17
-Steam ID:
-Server(s) you are applying for: Unloze Zombie Escape
-Current Activity I play everyday if I can for a couple hours. also depends on what maps are being played.

2. Why do you want to be an admin? Tell us what drives you to join our admin team and help us manage this community.
I love talking with the community and help out where I can with leading some maps and since I know that there are some people who inflate and troll I want to be able to stop them from doing so when the players want to try hard maps.
3. What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin? List all the past duties you have done in any communities and what kind of skills/knowledge do you have.
I've been an admin on a FFA server for a year where I watched over the players so I've got some experience as an admin.
4. Can you play during late hours? Do you have the possibility to play during late hours (past 1-2am) and very early (before 7am). Explain why and give us some details about how you could manage the server around these hours by yourself.
I can play anywhere from 10am to 11pm. When I'm off work I can play at night.
5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, you suspect a player to inflate or breaking the server rules on purpose. Explain to us how do you approach the situation. Add any details that seem important to you.
I want the players to have fun whilst playing however trolling/inflating will always be punished, first a kick with a warning. If repeated it will be a tempban. Whether it was done as as a joke or not there are times where the players want to try hard maps and win them therefore there should not be any kind of inflating/trolling.
6. Other stuff and/or last words.
Type here anything else you have in mind and finish your application in style!
As you know, I love you guys and glory to LORD DIO!
Yes this is a good application and this guy would manage the server well (he good guy you noovers), I give this a thumbs up
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Still waiting for the day a (trial)admin "kicks with warning" for inflating. Copy pasted answers smh.
Hello Smoked.

Your application has been DENIED.

You are fairly fresh for the community. I hope to see you apply again after settling into the community. It is a good step to join our discord.
Other than that I would like you to get familiar with our rules.
If you have any other follow up question. You can always reach me or any other SA member on discord or forums.

Thank you for your time & hope to see you ingame!
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