zombe shield

Remove zombie shield?

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Renowned User
Feb 23, 2018
remove zombie shield its cancer, breaks maps and no one asked for it nor is it needed

To explain how it's broken, on a map that sets a max zhp like minas, this will let zms go over it and survive things like WK nuke (which happened today)
On maps like Mountain escape or surf vortex which set zms at 1 hp at the end to let humans kill them they will have extra hp (basically guaranteed loss on knife arena if zm has a shield)
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thx for all the explanation. however it's all been fixed meanwhile.
I don't mean to sound rude, but could dogan please stop adding random stuff without asking the community?

Botox similarly added a lot of things by his own volition without consulting the community and while some of it is nice a lot of it is kinda useless or breaks shit too much to be worthwhile, I feel like that's the case with both zombie shield and the current money system.
That's just how Dogan works and unloze lets him do it for some reason. He'd rather add something spontaneously and have us complain until the topic dies than asking people.

"If we had to ask the community, nothing would ever be done" is how they justify it. :feelstardman::hyperclap:

It's especially noticeable since these are gameplay changes and not quality of life stuff.

Don't expect anything to be removed. He will only modify his gameplay additions until we are tired of of complaining or we are happy with a compromise and will have to live with it. Once it's here, it stays.

And then it all repeats. Sometimes we say "Let us not trust dogan anymore" but who is there to enforce anything like that? Dogan is free to do anything. Who knows what random gameplay change will come this or next month.
Both Cash System and Buffing Zombies were discussed among Admins.

Cash System however was only discussed by 2-3 Admins and I kinda harshly added it 1 day after, I admit that. And I know it's a real big gameplay change, that definitely needs the opinion of the community. But you can't discuss much about it without testing it. I added the new Cash System around Thursday/Friday and 5 Days later I created the thread/poll. So I am asking you guys and the fate of the plugin will be decided together. And during these Days i kept nerfing it as most Admins requested it.

About this Shield. Ways of buffing Zombies were discussed over weeks by many admins. It's right now one of the most requested things in ZE right now. Since ZAmmo and now the new Cash System people feel Zombies need to be stronger. A lot of ideas were discussed, but most of them were simply too op. So i just suggested more HP in a more fancy way: Zombie Shield. It's legit not more than more HP, that looks different and nicer. It's something different. The Plugin ruined one round of Minas before fixing. Nothing else happened and i disabled it on maps (lms or mountain for example) that don't fit for it. This is just more HP for Zombies and not a gameplay change. A very small buff I hope to satisfy the common wish of the Admins to buff Zombies. This wish was left unanswered for weeks. We had ideas like more speed or unlimited uses of ZCleanse, that kind of stuff is gameplay changing and needs the opinion of the community. this however is just more hp and if i had added it as more hp and not a shield none of you would have really noticed it.

come on guys. i'm not just doing what i want, cash system's fate depends on the community and the shield is just more hp (which was requested in general to buff zombies).
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About this Shield. Ways of buffing Zombies were discussed over weeks by many admins. It's right now one of the most requested things in ZE right now. Since ZAmmo and now the new Cash System people feel Zombies need to be stronger.
If humans are too strong have you considered nerfing them rather than buffing zombies.
So i just suggested more HP in a more fancy way: Zombie Shield. It's legit not more than more HP, that looks different and nicer.
Why not just simply add hp in a way that doesn't break maps, by adding more hp, no need for a fancy plugin or anything.
Nothing else happened and i disabled it on maps (lms or mountain for example) that don't fit for it.
We played mountain 3 times before it was removed, Surf Vortex I am not sure if it is removed there but it would be needed for the ending + low hp item, there are other maps where it likely would mess with it, is it just going whack a mole until all maps with issues have the plugin disabled?
Whats the point of a gameplay plugin if its disabled on a good portion of maps?
this however is just more hp and if i had added it as more hp and not a shield none of you would have really noticed it.
Yes because more hp won't break maps that set max zhp or lower ZMs to 1 hp.

Also noticed that sometimes my shield ends up getting depleted after I randomly go from 10k hp 3k shield to 9999 hp, so it doesn't even work all the time.
If humans are too strong have you considered nerfing them rather than buffing zombies.

Why not just simply add hp in a way that doesn't break maps, by adding more hp, no need for a fancy plugin or anything.

We played mountain 3 times before it was removed, Surf Vortex I am not sure if it is removed there but it would be needed for the ending + low hp item, there are other maps where it likely would mess with it, is it just going whack a mole until all maps with issues have the plugin disabled?
Whats the point of a gameplay plugin if its disabled on a good portion of maps?

Yes because more hp won't break maps that set max zhp or lower ZMs to 1 hp.

Also noticed that sometimes my shield ends up getting depleted after I randomly go from 10k hp 3k shield to 9999 hp, so it doesn't even work all the time.

as i said its not broken and will not break on any map. all maps that set low hp on zombies for humans to kill them is not a problem, the plugin is not even disabled on those maps. it recognizes it and removes the shield.

and what you noticed is simply items or world damage you suffered that immediately depletes your shield. the shield only blocks gun damage and nades.

however the next time i will probably add something the simpler way rather fancy. some ppl told me that already and i will consider it for the future. however rest assured nothing is broken right now and only a handful maps have it disabled.
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Anyway i slept over it tonight and finally got convinced to remove the shield. I accepted the truth that you guys just have a bad perception of it that it breaks maps or such and since that perception is most likely locked in your heads, it's never going to change probably.

So ye i removed it not because it's broken nor gameplay-changing, but instead cause of the feeling it's broken, when it clearly isn't. it's a funny world we live in.

As balance i increased the hp of zombies as you suggested, which is pretty much the same. thx for the vote and your opinion.

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